Design Action

The impacts of COVID-19 and the social justice movement forced us to look deeper into the fabric of our design field in Sacramento. While we uncovered many injustices, we see it as an opportunity for growth and have started a Design Action initiative.

Through this initiative, we offer series like Design Dialogues, where we get together as a community to talk about issues. Our first Design Dialogues was about Equity in Design, and it was incredibly impactful, leading to new design initiatives and allowing us to better hone in on our mission and purpose. We intend to offer our Design Dialogues series each quarter and to host more Design Action events in the future. We work with community partners to keep our Resources page updated and available to all in our design and creative community.

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Our commitment as an organization

We are taking a deeper look into our organization and defining clear goals that will keep us on track with improving our community. We will:

  • Acknowledge the lack of diversity in the volunteers of our organization and focus our outreach so that it reaches more diverse communities.

  • Continue building a diverse board; if our volunteer group becomes more diverse, we will have a more diverse group to choose from for leadership roles.

  • Deepen our understanding of who we are partnering with and seek out partnerships with black-led businesses and organizations.

  • Collaborate with, and support, black organizers and share our resources.

  • Recognize and understand our role and responsibility in our design community.

  • Celebrate, encourage, empower, and support more designers of color in our community.

  • We will continue to update and maintain our list of Equitable Design Resources on our website.

Trinity Haynes, Design Action Lead


Equitable Design Resources

We have collected resources to support our Commitments to Action and to offer resources to our local design and creative community. This list is not exhaustive and will continue to be updated. If you have resources you would like to add to our list, please contact Trinity Haynes, our Design Action Lead


Check out what’s happening

design dialogues

We offer series like Design Dialogues, where we get together as a community to talk about issues. Our first Design Dialogues was about Equity in Design, and it was incredibly impactful, leading to new design initiatives and allowing us to better hone in on our mission and purpose.

Our next discussion will focus on Design and the LGBTQ community.