Get Involved

Design Sacramento is a volunteer-led organization that relies on community support! In order to keep our programming affordable and sustainable, we partner with local businesses, venues, design agencies and more. We offer a range of partnership opportunities, from paid sponsorships to free promotion. 

On top of that, our organization is also fully staffed by a talented team of dedicated volunteers. We’re made up of a group of designers, developers, writers, public speakers, and all-around creatives. 

Whether you can donate your time, money, space, or talents, we’d love to have you play a part of Design Sacramento! 

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We absolutely love to work with local brands and businesses to create amazing experiences for our design community! We offer a range of partnerships and sponsorships to help us keep our events free and accessible.

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Donate your time and talents to Design Sacramento! Whether you’re a brilliant creative director or just want to be a more active part of the design community, we’d love to have your help with our events and programming.

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Support our efforts to better the design community by donating! All donations will be used to fund our virtual events and support local designers in ongoing and future initiatives.