Partner with us

In May of 2019‭ ‬we hosted Sacramento’s first Design Week‭. ‬Throughout that process, we heard over and over again how much this was needed in Sacramento. What started as an annual event was transformed into year-long programming, and Design Sacramento was founded. 

Our mission at Design Sacramento is to make our design community more inclusive, equitable and supportive for all. We improve and expand pathways into careers for youth and emerging designers while bridging the diversity gap in our current workforce. We aim to foster a strong creative community in Sacramento through:

  • Celebrating the work of local designers & creatives

  • Exploring and supporting local agencies and organizations

  • Connecting and learning from other local artists, agencies, and creative businesses in the region

  • Educating and mentoring emerging designers

  • Discussing and exploring how we can use design to improve our communities

  • Cultivating a diverse and inclusive network of designers‬ 

In our first year:

  •  We hosted 28 events, 90% of which were free

  • Our 100% volunteer-run events were organized by local designers and creatives, and were attended by well over 1,000 people. 

  • We reached 22,304 people during Design Week, averaging 3,186 per day. 

  • On social media, we had 541 shares and 108 #designweeksac mentions. 

  • We received 4 local media mentions by Sacramento News & Review, Sactown Magazine, Comstock’s and Inside Sacramento, were blogged about 6 times and were listed on 8 event websites.

The support we receive directly benefits our three initiatives that were created out of our Commitments to Action:

The impacts of COVID-19 and the social justice movement forced us to look deeper into the fabric of our design field in Sacramento. While we uncovered many injustices, we see it as an opportunity for growth and have started a Design Action initiative. Through this initiative, we will offer series like Design Dialogues, where we get together as a community to talk about issues.

The lack of awareness and access to a career path in design for youth makes an impact on our design community, as there is less diversity and equitable opportunities. Through our Design Education initiative, we work with local design professionals and leaders to teach courses for youth and emerging designers, and help usher in the next generation.

With our Design Workforce initiative, we support the designers that make up our local workforce. We achieve this through programs like the Resilient Designer Program, which was created to support local designers that have been negatively impacted by COVID-19. Our next project is a Design Accelerator program, where we will work with local universities and design agencies and studios to coordinate internships and employment opportunities.


Sponsorship Levels


Design Sacramento Global Sponsor

Support all of our initiatives as a global sponsor. This will allow us to cover all of our programming costs, including compensating instructors, paying for event expenses and offering an online designer directory and job board.


  • Logo in the footer of our website

  • Mentioned in all media releases

  • Included in all newsletters

  • Dedicated blog post

  • Social media promotion


Initiative Sponsor

Is there an initiative that speaks to you? Support our programming and serve as the sponsor for that initiative.


  • Logo on the initiative page

  • Logo/name listed in marketing material and included in programming for initiative of your choice

  • Dedicated blog post

  • Social media promotion


Course Sponsor

Our goal is to compensating all of our instructors that teach design courses. Support our Education initiative and allow us to continue supporting our design community and reaching more students. (Limit 2 per course)


  • Logo on the Education page on our website

  • Logo on the presentation at our course

  • Listed on marketing material for the course

  • Social media promotion for the course you are supporting

  • Included in blog post for the course

In-Kind Sponsorship

Because we are not for profit, we have a minimal budget for any expenses. Offering in-kind services keeps our expenses low, which allows us to offer more events for a reasonable price.


  • Listed on website

  • Social Media Feature

  • Dedicated blog post

Media Partner

Help us spread the word about all of our Design Sacramento programming! Media partnerships allow us to expand our reach and build a bigger design community.


  • Website Presence

  • Blog Post

  • Social Media Feature

Community Supporter

Our mission is to connect and celebrate the creative community in Sacramento. We support local creative groups, including Creativity + Sacramento, Creative Mornings, Sac DESCO, The Blog Bloc and more. This mutual support allows us to promote each others events and offer any other support we are able to offer. Joining us as a community supporter helps us strengthen our programs, and further spread the word about what we are doing.


  • Newsletter promotion- we will share your events in our monthly newsletter, when applicable

  • Website presence

  • Option to join our community mixers

Creative Partners

We love partnering with local design studios and independent creatives to help bring our ideas to life. We have enjoyed working with Honey on our brand, Greg Traverso on the design of this year’s theme and Angelina Sorokin on all of our fun illustrations.


  • Social media promotion

  • Dedicated Blog Post

  • Your creative talents will be showcased throughout our marketing materials

  • Website presence

Find a partnership that suits you?



Amanda Sanchez
Co-Founding Director
Board President

Lauren Kelly
Co-Founding Director
Board Treasurer