Design Workforce

With our Design Workforce initiative, we support the designers that make up our local workforce. We achieve this through programs like the Resilient Designer Program, which was created to support local designers that have been negatively impacted by COVID-19.

Our next project is a Design Accelerator program, where we will work with local universities and design agencies and studios to coordinate internships and employment opportunities. This will include launching our own studio where emerging designers will have the opportunity to work for one year while building their portfolios and learning valuable skills that they can use to help them in their career path. We also offer workshops, lectures, studio tours and networking opportunities that empower emerging designers to further their careers.

Marcy Wacker, Design Workforce Lead

Marcy Wacker, Design Workforce Lead


Our Commitment to the Design Workforce

We understand that in the field of design, so much of the hiring is done through word of mouth. We hope to create a much more inclusive design network in Sacramento so that our workforce reflects the diversity of our city. We will do that through improving our design directory and also creating a local job board. We will foster new talent through mentorships and internships, and will connect designers with local agencies and studios.

We will share more job opportunities on our social media channels, which are our biggest asset, and will feature more diverse designers on our feeds. We will share stories from design leaders with different perspectives and will offer more leadership-focused events. We will address the lack of resources and funds caused by the COVID-19 public health crisis by offering a scholarship program for tools and supplies; hosting more design and business courses and creating more networking opportunities for impacted designers.


What’s Happening Next

Ascenders academy mentorship program

We are thrilled to launch our pilot Mentorship Program - Ascenders Academy! This is a nine-month program that will start in June and end in February. We are currently pairing up our Mentors and Mentees and hope to launch another cohort soon! If you are interested in getting involved with this program in the future, please reach out to the Program Leads - Marcy Wacker and Cassie Zandona.